Cummins Allison – JetScan Two-Pocket Currency Counter
JetScan two pocket currency counting and scanning machines offer you greater productivity because having two full capacity pockets allows for a second processing pocket or a location for a reject pocket. This allows for two or more currency counting and processing functions to be combined for maximum productivity.
JetScan currency scanners can count and sort mixed money, face and orient bills and will stop on an exact bill. While counting one denomination, JetScan will stop when any other bill is processed. A $20 is never counted as a $1, which eliminates errors, speeds processing and frees operators to focus on other activities.
Standard Features
Full Graphics & Text Touch Panel Display —
Illuminated display and controls are easy to see and use.
Adjustable Display Angle — Assures optimal viewing angle. Easily changed for each user.
Four Levels of Memory — Keeps separate totals for: Sub-Batches, Batches, Day Totals and Strap Limits. All four are maintained during brownouts and power failures.
Unit/Value Display — Can be shown as units or dollars.
Add Function — For cumulative counting when desired.
Verification — Allows currency to be counted or recounted without changing day totals.
Two Full Capacity Pockets — Two fully functioning pockets each hold up to 150 circulated bills.
Exact Bill Stopping — JetScan can be set up to stop precisely on a challenged bill.
Adjustable Strap Stops — Separate strap stop limits can be established for each denomination.
Dual Denominating Sensors — Provides high speed denomination recognition of faced or unfaced bills.
Magnetic Ink Sensors — Tests ink on bills and can be set to different sensitivities for each denomination. (Option)
Fluorescence Sensors — Test currency paper to detect many suspect notes. (Option)
Enhanced UV Sensors — Working with JetScan
electronics, this system tests currency paper to catch many counterfeits that other systems miss. (Option)
A combination of these four standard and optional sensors are available. Also available is the Sentinel JetScan with even more advanced counterfeit detection.
Speed: 1,000 bills per minute
Scanning Accuracy: 99.99%
Top Hopper Capacity: 700 circulated bills Pockets 1 & 2: 150 circulated bills (each)
Display: Illuminated, touch panel display
Size: 15″ high x 10.5″ wide x 17″ deep
Weight: 35 pounds
Document Size: Height: 2.41″ to 3.8″ Length: 4.5″ to 7″
Power: Voltage operating ranges are either 105-130v or 198-253v. Frequency is 60/50Hz. Customer must provide an electrical supply properly grounded and protected by a circuit breaker in accordance with applicable electrical code. This equipment must be plugged into a properly grounded outlet. Power consumption (full load amps) at nominal voltage: 0.6 Amps (120v); 0.3 Amps (220v) Power disruptions that result in input voltage other than the power
requirements listed can lead to improper operation of this device or result in failure/damage to electrical components. (Power disruptions are not covered under machine warranty or preventative maintenance agreement.) Power conditioning/stabilizing devices are available through Cummins.